- Adelaide Royal steer judging
- Shorthorns top the My Gambier sale.
- Cows at Stillwater, Penola.
- Two Yamburgan bulls at Pete Caskey’s.
- View from Pete Caskey’s property.
- View from Pete Caskey’s property.
- View from Pete Caskey’s property.
- Wind farms in the SE of SA.
- Mayura Wagyu property
- Wagyu heifers ready for AI.
- Wind farms in the south ease of SA.
- Wagyu meat after 650 days on feed.
- John with the exceptionally quiet Yamburgan Ossie E225 at the Charlton Stud.
- Yamburgan Emperor E102 at work at John & Lyn Nitschke’s Carlton stud.
We headed to Adelaide for the Royal which John judged the led steers for the second year in a row, 180 steers in total. John is using a roving mic which ads to the commentary and keeps the crowd engagement. A great lineup of steers!!
We did a four day whirlwind trip around the south ease of SA, looking at cattle. Shorthorn steers topped the market at the Mt Gambier sale on the 11th September. It was terrific to see a strong lineup of over 150 Shorthorn steers with a run of heifers to back up the high quality.
Pete Caskey’s country never ceases to amaze me…sitting on the ocean south west of Mt Gambier. The quality of cattle and country always impresses. This trip we visited Scott De Bruin from the Mayura Wagyu operation, where they produce a paddock to plate Wagyu product. The fully automated feed system was particularly interesting, feeding cattle for 600-650 days.
I love the photo of John with Yamburgan Ossie E225 at John & Lyn Nitschke’s property. He really did take some convincing to stand up for us to look at him. This was our first visit to their country at Padthaway and we came away impressed with the cows.